Saturday, October 4, 2014

The day it all started

Life with diabetes.... 

Until you live it you won't understand it, even if you are a family member who tries really hard to just "get it". It's not your fault, it's okay that you don't get it, and we the diabetic actually prefer that you don't. 

I was diagnosed when I was 15, I have now had Type 1 diabetes for over half my life. At the age 15 I was already in that awkward part of life that you are trying to figure everything out... Diabetes just made me more awkward. 

I was sick, really sick for about two weeks, we thought I had a stomach flu but I actually was in DKA.  ( Diabetes Keto acidosis) I was a stubborn teen and wouldn't let my mother take me to the doctor, I told her there's nothing they can do for the stomach flu, which is correct. But I kept getting worse and worse, couldn't even keep down water. I eventually got dehydrated, I awoke in the middle of the night feeling like I was on my death bed ( which I was) I couldn't see, I couldn't talk, I could barely walk.  I didn't want to wake my mother so I laid on the couch in the den next to her room, she woke up and realized something was terribly wrong with me. She took me to my doctor, only because I wouldn't agree on the ER.  We had to wait as you do at most doctors offices.  My head was getting heavier, I knew I wasn't going to remain awake much longer, I kept having to get water to put on my lips so that I could attempt to talk.  I told my mother I needed to lay down, and I was NOT going to wake back up.  I knew that once I closed my eyes I may never wake back up.  They finally came to get me, I told the nurse I had to lay down, I did and I drifted off into a coma..... 

to be continued...... 

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